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Hi guys today I will share with you people some of the ways that people use and exploit to make money on the computer. The secrets that have been far hidden are slowly coming out but you can't find them such easily. Nope no one is going to tell you these things that easily. Come on now who would share his or her secret of all the ways that he or she uses to make money on his computer no one is going to reveal such secrets. But Today I will share with you guys some of such secret and lucrative ways to make money on computers.

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So lets begin, You people are here to earn money but keep in mind that you are not going to become rich over night. There is no get rich quick or get rich over the night type of plane. NO SUCH THING EXISTS. If it did , that person would have become a star or a living legend Like Mr. Bill Gates(CEO OF MICROSOFT). He didn't even become rich over the night. Mr. Steve Jobs(late) (CEO OF APPLE .INC) and many more examples are out there for us, all these people are billionaires but they worked hard for it. Like Mr. Steve started his career by working part time jobs in some factory then when he started his own company (APPLE) its office was in a garage and now look at it. At first Mr. Gates earned nothing,he sold for less and bought for more then when finally his windows was in demand his business started to grow more. So the moral of the entire story is that you CAN'T, YOU CAN NOT, NO WAY , NEVER EVER can you get rich over the night just by doing nothing or by doing some little work.

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 How To, Money, Amazon, eBay, Selling, Ben Lang, WikiHow, Make Money Fast, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I,                                                                                      You might have heard of ANGRY BIRDS right? Well if you have a creative mind and you have got some skills, you know programming then you can use your skills to make money for you. You can make such a software that no one has yet made or such a game that is not yet in the market but people will love it when it comes. Mario is still one of the best selling games. Even after high performance games such as NFS Most wanted, NFS SHIFT, GTA IV , Medal of honor etc , still Mario which is a simple game has not lost its position in the best selling games. So you can use your mind to create such a lovely game so that it may earn money for you and you don't have to do any thing then. But I am guessing if you had such skills you wouldn't be reading my blog right now. So lets jump to the next ways.


How To, Money, Amazon, eBay, Selling, Ben Lang                                                       This is by far the most easiest yet the most difficult way to earn or to make money on computer and internet or you can say that it is one of the get rich quick ways that you can use to make you millions over a few days may be. So have you seen the baby bit my finger video or the crazy girl or the Overly Attached Girlfriend ?  These are the videos that got so many views in such less time that the earned a lot of money and became famous. Now if you can make such type of video and people love it and keep sharing it , you will make money on computer in no time. But still it won't make you a billionaire.  Next Ways now.

Get/ Take A Viral Photograph:

Blogging, Internet, Make Me Money, Make Money, Make Money Fast, Make Money on Computer, Make Money Online, Makes Money, Online Business Ideas, Ways to Make Money                                                                         (You probably are wondering ,why am I putting get/take or get/make money on ... Well you can ask some one to give it to you,you can ask some one to do it for you if you can't do it yourself so that is why I am putting get or do it yourself.Now back to the point.)As you did in the video ,  you can get a picture to rank high,you can then sell that picture for a good price to any of the online buyers who can buy it for as much as 1000$ or even more ,depending on its fame and views.

I guess Its going way to far now so lets jump to a video and I will explain why Should you join the following site in my next post. So keep reading. And Earn a little money make at least some money on your computers to get you started. Just goto  this site Register and make some money.

Here is a video to guide you roughly Read next post to understand complete method of making money on your computer via this method. It is guaranteed

to make you some money on your computer. But it takes some time so you will have to be patient.

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